I've officially jumped the shark.
Throughout the years, of which I've had many though not as many as most, writing a novel has been an ever-present thought orbiting with a slight, drunken list about the convoluted pathways in my mind. Then I heard about NaNoWriMo- National Novel Writing Month and thought, "Gee, that kind of takes away the excuses, now doesn't it?" Here's the deal: you get 30 days to crank out 50,000 words, straight-up rough draft style. You make the word count, you "win." The beauty of this format is you write whatever comes to mind, and you've got a hard deadline. No waffling, no proofreading, no anguished "Is this any good? I suck, I suck, I suck!!" inner monologues.
It can be utter shit. Frankly, I'm a little bit giddy with the prospect.
So what does that mean for you guys? It means that November is probably going to be my highest post count ever, as I'll be sharing excerpts of my craptacular attempt at 50K words throughout the month. Understand that I do this for your enjoyment, and not in an attempt to see if I'll lose any followers. Though I might. And that would be unfortunate, but completely understandable.
Onward to November! For good or ill, it will be here before we know it.
~Scotty Mac
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking, Pinky?" The Brain, Pinky and the Brain
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